Our friends and family can be a big source of inspiration for us and they can fill our lives with wonder and joy. We may not know it, but they are the gems that fill our life’s treasure chest every day.
A Living Treasure gift shows your appreciation to your friend or loved one by donating to local causes that they support. Not only do you get the warm feeling that you are contributing to the good work done by local nonprofits, SCF will send a special occasion card to your honoree letting them know of your gift. We’ll also list their name on our website!
Make a gift before December 31st and your gift is eligible for a match by the Rasmuson Foundation in partnership with the Alaska Community Foundation.
Giving a Living Treasure gift is easy. Go to the SCF website (sewardcf.org) and click on GIVE. A drop down menu will appear, click on Living Treasury Gift and follow the directions. What a fun and unique way to gift!