Grant Highlight: Independent Living TRAILS Program

The Independent Living Center received a $4,000 grant through SCF’s 2021 competitive grant cycle for their TRAILS program. TRAILS, which stands for Total Recreation and Independent Living Services, offers year-round recreational opportunities for people who

December Grant Giveaway

As 2021 drew to a close, the Seward Community Foundation held an end-of-the-year donation drive with an incentive for those who donated between December 1-20 a chance to name one nonprofit to receive a $1,000

Grantee Highlight: Iron Mountain FFA

Last November, the Iron Mountain Future Farmers of America received a $1,000 mini-grant to help cover costs for the team’s travel to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN.

Grantee Highlight: Room Rent for Seward Community Band Practice

The Seward Community Band received a $450 mini-grant from the Seward Community Foundation for funds to rent the Seward High School music room for weekly practice sessions.

Mini-grant Awards this Winter

In 2014, SCF awarded almost $10,000 in minigrants to 13 different nonprofit organizations in Seward and Moose Pass!